Thursday, September 4, 2014

The Notorious "Z Monster"

To spend a day in public after not getting enough sleep the night before is awful. My buddies and I always call it "fighting the Z Monster." The reference being that "catching some z's" means getting some sleep and the "Z Monster" is the uncontrollable desire to fall asleep when you don't have enough. It can be life threatening in certain situations, (the drive back from Colorado every New Year's comes to mind, thank God for 5 Hour Energy and Starbucks...) but usually it's just damn embarrassing and pathetic. Buy your coworkers movie passes for covering for you. Everyone loves the movies when it's free.

I am blogging to you from the lovely Lone Star College-Victory Center Student Center. Across the desk from me, a student is face-down on the keyboard of his computer sleeping. I wonder what he did last night to miss out on the beauty of sleep? He was obviously fighting the Z Monster today, though. I would post a picture of him here, but that could piss him off if he saw me, and he's built like SF 49er linebacker. This is Acres Homes, gotcha watch yourself. I actually attend Lone Star College- CyFair, but this place is right across the street from my house.

Bottom line...Don't Ever Fight the Z Monster. It's a battle you can't win.

Lost an Hour Last Night

Well, my quest for enough sleep suffered a major blow last night. My younger daughter, Audrey, who is four, had an accident last night. Long story short, she has been sleeping with my older daughter, Amelia, who is ten, in the older daughter's bed. She has been refusing to sleep by herself for some reason.  The outcome was of course much more laundry, and I slept in Audrey's room on the bottom bunk. Amelia slept on the top bunk. Audrey got to sleep in my bed with my wife because she was very upset and embarrassed about the whole thing. I actually think maybe my wife got the best outcome. Audrey is much smaller than me and doesn't snore or drool. I guess that is fair since she does the laundry.

I used Nature's Miracle on the mattress. It works great for urine and does not sponsor this blog, though I am currently accepting sponsors.

Let's Get This Party Started!

Hello, my name is Brian Toffelmire. In an effort to squeeze more sleep out of my somewhat erradic schedule, I have created this blog, "The Joy of Sleep."  Perhaps both of us, reader and author, can find solace in these colorful posts and use them to slow our minds down when the opportunity to sleep presents itself. I believe that not laying awake in bed, going over things in my head, when I could actually be asleep, snoring, and drooling on my pillow would benefit me in oh so many ways. Every minute of rest counts.  Do you agree?